TruArc™ Global Needle tilts up to 20˚ for balanced use worldwide.
• Tool-free declination adjustment is simple and fast to orient magnetic north to true north.
• Meridian lines on vial assist during pre-trip planning when aligning with map grid lines.
• Inch/centimeter rulers (global) or metric scales (metric only) for accurate and effective map work.
• Travel a bearing well after dark, the luminous azimuth ring, magnetic needle, direction of travel arrow and sight will glow brightly for up to 8 hours.
• Brunton EverNorth Magnet resists demagnetization over time.
• Magnified readout provides highest degree of accuracy without compromising readability.
• Dual azimuth ring includes reverse azimuth.
• Sighting mirror and sighting line integrated into the cover. Align for the most accurate bearings, whether taking or following a bearing.
• Clinometer with 2˚ resolution for measuring slope angle or gauging heights of passes, peaks or trees.
• Engineer’s ruler.
• Bubble level for absolute precision readings; keeping the compass level (not the needle level) is a critical aspect for taking an accurate bearings.
• Map magnifier helps with the smaller details on any map.
• High visibility cling for enhanced performance in low light; can be removed to facilitate map use.
• 1˚ resolution azimuth ring provides precise readings.
• FSC-certified and recyclable packaging
• Made in the USA in Riverton, Wyoming.
